Dry Brushing Basics and Benefits

Are you looking for another way to exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin? Dry brushing may be what you are looking for in your skincare routine. It is a cheap and easy way to remove dead skin cells.

It is important to know the basics and benefits that dry brushing has to offer before adding it to your skin care routine.

What is Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is when you exfoliate your skin using a firm bristle brush. You can use it from head to toe. 

The reason it is called dry brushing is that you are not using it in the shower. Your skin and the bush are typically dry. Some people will use body oil when using a dry brush.

Wooden brush for dry brushing massage


1. Help Eliminate Dead Skin

Exfoliation is the main reason why people will dry brush. It is brushing away dead skin cells like a body scrub. Some would say that it is more effective in removing dry and dead skin than a body scrub.

Your skin will feel softer and smoother after dry brushing because it no longer has that excess dry skin. Also, it can give your skin a temporary radiant glow.

2. Increases Blood Circulation

After dry brushing, you may have noticed that your skin is red. This redness is not because your skin is irritated. The reason your skin is red is because of increased circulation in the areas you have dry brushed. 

The blood flow will help your skin renew the skin cells that were brushed away.

3. Enhance Blood Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Dry brushing increases and speeds up your blood flow. Your blood carries lymph nodes. Allie Flynn mentioned that as your blood is flowing through your body faster, it can reach and remove toxins and pathogens faster. 

Can Dry Brushing Get Rid of Cellulite?

When it comes to cellulite, dry brushing is a temporary fix that will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. It does this by increasing the circulation to the area you are brushing, which, in turn, plumps up the skin. 

In the end, there is no scientific evidence of dry brushing removing cellulite. Sadly, the reduction of cellulite is considered a myth of dry brushing.

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Risks of Dry Brushing

1. May Dry Out Skin

Because your are using a dry brush on dry skin, it will sometimes dry out your skin. Apply lotion after each dry brush session to help keep your skin from drying out. 

Another way to help your skin not dry out is to apply body oil while brushing. 

2. It Can Irritate the Skin

If you are being aggressive with dry brushing or brushing in the same area multiple times, this may irritate your skin. Even just a firm bristle brush may irritate your skin. It is best to listen to your skin when dry brushing. 

If it does start to become irritated, you should try to be gentle and only brush in each area of skin only one time. Also, a softer bristle brush may help decrease irritation.

3. May Harm Your Microbiome

Your microbiome is your skin’s battle shield. When you are brushing, you are irritating your good bacteria. Be gentle and kind to your microbiome.

Dry body brush, Woman dry brushing body

How to Dry Brush

The general rule is you should start at the furthest body part from your heart and make your way to your heart. Also, never brush in the same area more than twice because it could irritate your skin.

Start with your feet and make your way up to the thigh area. Once that is complete, you will move to the arms and brush toward that heart.

You will end with brushing your abdomen and torso area. You can do upward strokes or change to a circular motion on the torso area. 

If you would like to dry brush your face, you can. You should use a smaller, softer brush when working with your face. This area of dry brushing uses a different technique. You will be brushing away from the heart. Start at the neck and brush up. When you arrive at the chin, start to brush across the face until you arrive at the forehead.

Be gentle on sensitive skin. Do not brush too harshly where it hurts, but be kind to your skin and gently exfoliate. After every dry brush session, you can shower or bathe to wash away the dead skin. Applying lotion is also a good idea to keep your skin from drying out.

How Often Should You Dry Brush?

It is up to you and your skin. Generally, you should do it no more than one to two times per week. That way you do not rub your skin raw.

What Kind of Brush to Use for Dry Brushing

Typically people will use a stiff bristle brush with a long handle. When choosing your brush, it is best to keep your skin in mind. 

How sensitive is your skin? Some people prefer to use a soft bristle brush. If your skin is not comfortable after dry brushing, maybe you should try a softer bristle brush. Choose the dry brush that is best for you and your skin.

Check Out These Different Dry Brushes


Following the basics of dry brushing will help you know how to start. As you continue to dry brush you may learn different techniques and ways that make your skin happier. 

There are many benefits to dry brushing not only for exfoliation but for increased blood flow to flush out toxins in your body.

Listen to your skin while dry brushing. Keeping your skin happy and irritation-free is the main goal of any skincare routine. You want to feel better after than you did before. 

One last tip, remember to wash out your brush at least once a month with baby shampoo or a gentle cleanser. This is to keep it sanitary and wash away all the dry skin cells.

Happy Brushing!

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