Guide to Chamomile In Skincare


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of chamomile? Some people would say it is a flower, while others would mention that it is an ingredient for teas, and DIY skincare creators would say chamomile is a super ingredient for skincare products. 

These are all true descriptions of chamomile. 

Learning about chamomile is important to know what type of products you are purchasing in the store or how to use it when creating your clean and natural skincare products.

What is Chamomile

Chamomile is a plant that has white flowers and a large yellow center. These flowers are part of the daisy family. 

Some people enjoy drinking chamomile tea because of its healthy nutritional benefits. Another way that people use chamomile is in skincare products. It is popular because of the many benefits that it has for your skin, and it comes in different forms for skincare formulators.

When browsing chamomile products for your DIY skincare creations, you will notice two different kinds of chamomile: German chamomile (chamomillarecutita) and Roman chamomile (chamaemelumnobile). You can use the German and Roman chamomile products interchangeably. There are some differences in smell and how people use them.

German and Roman Chamomile Differences

  • Smell
    • Roman chamomile has a light aroma with sweet top notes.
    • German chamomile has a warm and rich aroma. It contains sweet earthy notes.
  • Usage:
    • German chamomile helps in improving digesting and removing toxins from your body. It is known to calm the mind and body when a woman is going through menstruation or menopause. Christine Ruggeri, CHHC mentions in the first century, Egyptian noblewomen would crush chamomile flowers and apply them to their skin. They did this to keep their youthful glow and slow signs of aging.
    • Roman chamomile is used to relieve sore muscles and headaches. It also assists in soothing irritation.

Is Chamomile Good for Your Skin?

Yes, chamomile is an ingredient that is safe to use on your skin. All skin types can use chamomile. It is wonderful for sensitive skin because of its soothing properties. People with acne or rosacea-prone skin will use chamomile because it helps to decrease skin inflammation.

Jar of Cosmetic Cream and Chamomile on a Table

What Benefits Does Chamomile Offer Your Skin?

1. Contains Antioxidants

Chamomile is a powerful antioxidant. In skincare products, it helps protect the skin from toxins and free radicals in the environment. 

2. Assists with Acne and Rosacea

People who have acne and rosacea can benefit from chamomile as well. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties which help in decreasing acne and rosacea. 

In a study by Jessica Wu published in the Journal of Drug in Dermatology, she discovers that chamomile is one of the ingredients that will help treat skin that is acne or rosacea-prone. It does this by blocking inflammatory chemicals in the body.

3. Wound Healing Properties

Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, chamomile is ideal for treating small wounds. If your face has sores or scratches from acne or eczema, a toner with chamomile in it will help ensure you do not develop an infection.

4. Soothes Sensitive Skin

Chamomile and sensitive skin are like a port wine and dark chocolate, they pair best together. Dr. Zeichner mentions that chamomile helps soothe sensitive skin because it helps block signals in your body called prostaglandins. 

High amounts of prostaglandins are found in areas of inflammation and will cause redness and swelling. So, when your skin is red or irritated, you will have prostaglandins there. Chamomile will soothe your skin by stopping prostaglandins from gathering at the irritated area.

5. Decreases Signs of Aging

As mentioned earlier, in the first century Egyptian noblewomen would crush chamomile flowers and apply them to their skin. They would do this to keep their youthful glow and to help slow down signs of aging. Centuries later, the chamomile flower still possesses those same anti-aging benefits.

How does chamomile decrease signs of aging? Dacy Knight mentions that it is because of the flavonoids and phytochemicals that chamomile contains. It is known for fighting harmful free radicals and for quick cell regeneration. Because of this, it improves fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Reduces Dark Circles Under the Eyes

When looking for a solution to covering up the dark, puffy circles under your eyes, you may want to look into chamomile. It will help reduce the bags you loathe and restore your under-eyes to a less tired look.

Forms of Ingredients You Can Find With Chamomile

As a DIY individual, you are interested in what forms you can find Chamomile. There are three different ingredients that chamomile comes in. It is an extract, hydrosol, and essential oil.

1. Chamomile Extracts

Containing active flavonoids and essential oil compounds, this extract is perfect for caring for sensitive skin. When using it in formulating skincare products you will place it in the water phase. The typical usage rate is 0.1-2%.

2. Chamomile Hydrosol

Chamomile hydrosol is delicate enough to be applied directly to the skin. When making formulations with a water phase, you will use chamomile hydrosol as part of this phase. It works well for anti-inflammatory skincare products.

Chamomile hydrosol will add a light sent to your skincare products. The fragrance that it will add is a herbaceous scent with subtle floral notes.

3. Chamomile Essential Oil

Not only does the chamomile essential oil have a comforting and warm aroma, but it also has benefits for your skin. Chamomile essential oil is used to beautify and nourish the skin. You can add it to lotion and facial moisturizer. 

Add the chamomile essential oil to the cool-down phase. If you purchase a clean and natural lotion that does not contain any fragrance, you can add in your chamomile essential oil.

Chamomile bouquet with a clean natural chamomile serum in a tinted bottle.

Clean and Natural Chamomile Skincare Products

1. 100% Pure: Calendula Flower Cleansing Milk

You can use this foaming cleanser to wash away all pollutants or cosmetics that are on your skin. It contains nourishing botanicals. It is created for all skin types but mainly focuses on dry and sensitive skin.

2. 100% Pure: Rose Hyaluronic Acid Serum

This serum is created to calm your skin and has skin-plumping effects. It is a deeply hydrating serum that will restore your skin’s elasticity with hyaluronic acid. The chamomile gives a calming effect on your complexion. It is created for all skin types, but mainly dry skin.

3. Paula’s Choice: Pore-Reducing Toner

This toner helps to balance oily skin and minimizes pores. It contains chamomile to help soothe sensitivity and provide antioxidant benefits to your skin.


Do not let the dainty appearance of the chamomile flower fool you. It is a powerful, skin-soothing, healing ingredient in skincare products. It has many benefits for your skin ranging from healing the skin to assisting in anti-aging. 

Using chamomile in DIY skincare products can add advantages to helping soothe irritated skin. You can use three different forms of chamomile in your skincare creations. These forms are extracts, hydrosols, and essential oils. Each one has unique benefits. 

Now that you know everything about chamomile, you will know how to use it in your DIY creations and how it affects your skin.

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