Hi, I’m Callie Joy!

Trying to learn more about natural and clean skincare? Maybe you are thinking of ways that you can implement additional or new natural skincare products into your life. Perhaps you already know a vast amount of information about natural and clean skincare, but you want to dive deeper into the ingredients in your non-toxic skincare products.

Welcome to my blog Callie Joy! I am excited that you are here.

I grew up on a blueberry farm in beautiful West Michigan. Yes, it was a blessing being able to have fresh blueberries whenever my heart desired. As I was growing up, my parents decided to change up our household’s nutritional lifestyle. We stopped eating sugar and using white flour for baking and started to use honey as a sweetener and grinding whole wheat berries. Back then I honestly thought we were weird because of this lifestyle change. 

Now, as an adult and living on my own, I try to follow the natural way of eating I grew up on. These nutritional decisions have spread into trying to find the best cosmetics for my skin. Continuously, I am searching for other natural health-conscious lifestyle choices that are better for the human body.

Another reason why I am passionate about clean and natural skincare is because of my sensitive skin and the need to watch what I put on my body. Two times in my life I broke out into a full-body rash. One of those times was just a few months before my wedding. Talk about nerves wondering if that rash would ever go away or if I would be a red dotted bride.

Thankfully the rash went away. I went through all of my cosmetics and threw away the ones that contained toxic ingredients.

In the end, I can’t help but mention the three other wonderful creatures that I share my living area with. I have an incredible husband, Seth, and two chaotic cats, Demi and Demo. We call them the Dems for short. While typing I have the continuous challenge of keeping one or both off of my keyboard. So, if there are any spelling mistakes or errors let’s blame them.

Come on this adventure with me and explore the world of natural and clean skincare. Subscribe below to receive emails or follow @calliejoyskincare on Instagram.

Where you can find me!

Learn more about clean and natural skincare by following Callie Joy on Instagram.