Complete Guide to Pimple Patches and How to Use Them

When it comes to skincare, hearing about pesky pimples is unavoidable. Zits seem to pop up at the worst time and decide to hang around for what seems like an eternity. What about pimple patches, and how can they help you in your life?

This complete guide to pimple patches will help you be prepared to zap zits and fight pimples quickly and effortlessly.

What Are Pimple Patches?

Pimple patches are adhesive patches you use to cover a pimple. This patch will draw out the gunk and grossness from the pimple and reduce its appearance.

To say it simply, it is a sticker you put on a zit, and it makes the pimple disappear.

Types of Pimple Patches

When looking at pimple patches, you will notice there are three different kinds of pimple patch categories.

  1. Microneedle Patch: Best for pimples still under the skin or in the early stages.
  2. Hydrocolloid Patch: Best when the pimple is a white head or ready to pop.
  3. Treatment Patch: These pimple patches depend on what treatment you need for your pimple.

Before you select the kind of pimple patch you will use, determine what kind of pimple you have. Is it ready to pop or does it still need some time.

Clean Ingredients Pimple Patches

There are many different patches you can use. Four clean pimple patches are:

These clean pimple patches contain non-toxic ingredients that will zap a zit but not harm the skin.

How Often to Use Pimple Patches

You can use a pimple patch whenever you see a pimple pop up. If you would like to use multiple pimple patches on the same area, you may. Normally, one pimple patch will not completely destroy the zit.

Always check on your skin to make sure you are not irritating it. If your skin is red or itchy due to irritation, you should stop using that pimple patch.

How Often to Change Pimple Patches

If the pimple patch manufacturer does not list a maximum time on the box, then it is best to change the pimple patch every 12 hours. When using a pimple patch, you should not use them for over 12 hours.

The best rule of thumb is to use one during the day and one at night. As mentioned previously, if your skin starts to show signs of irritation, you should stop using the pimple patch.

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When to Apply a Pimple Patch in a Skincare Routine

You should apply a pimple patch after cleanser and before toner and serum. If you apply it at the beginning of the skincare routine, it will be able to adhere to the skin and work on the pimple without the other skincare products getting in the way.

When you apply a pimple patch after cleanser, your skin’s surface is ready for the patch to stick and get to work on the pesky pimple.

Pimple Patch Vs. Spot Treatment

To know if a pimple patch or spot treatment is better, you must understand what makes them different.

  • Pimple patch: A patch filled with active ingredients to fight one small pimple on the skin. It draws out the gunk in the problem area and reduces the appearance of a pimple.
  • Spot treatment: A is a topical cream, gel, or liquid filled with active ingredients that will treat the problem area. You can apply this treatment to multiple pimples or problem skin areas.

Which one is better, pimple patch or spot treatment? 

It depends on the type of bumps you are trying to treat. Dr. King recommends using a pimple patch with superficial pimples at the surface of your skin. For example, you would use a pimple patch for whiteheads and pustules. 

On the other hand, Dr. King mentions, “spot treatments may be more helpful for more inflamed acne lesions.”

You can also base what you use on the lifecycle of the pimples. In the beginning, you may opt to use a spot treatment. If the pimple is further along, you may want to use a pimple patch.

What to Use Instead of a Pimple Patch

You look in the mirror and see a red puffy pimple on your forehead. After desperately searching, you realize you do not have a pimple patch. What should you use instead of a pimple patch?

There are a few ingredients you can use to help reduce or destroy pesky pimples.

To list a few ingredients that you can use instead of pimple patches are:


Now you are prepared with knowledge on how to fight those pesky pimples. Understanding the basics of fighting pimples will help you know their weakness, knock them down, and rid your skin of them.

Go and fight those pesky pimples and zap some zits!

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