Top 10 Face Mask Benefits for Skin

Face masks in the last few years have been a common term used around the world. This term mainly referred to the piece of fabric that went over the face. On other occasions, it meant a skincare product that cared for and refreshed the skin. There are many face mask benefits for the skin. 

After wearing anything on or over the face, the skin needs a facial mask to renew and refresh it.

What are the Top Face Mask Benefits for Skin?

1. Removes Toxins

Applying a mask to your skin will help release toxins from your skin. Clay masks are well known for their absorbing properties. The facial mask draws out the harmful bacteria and toxins from your pores. 

What are these toxins on and in our skin? Toxins can come from anything you put on your face that does not contain all clean ingredients. 

For example, skincare products or makeup that contain formaldehyde and parabens leave toxic residue on your face. Using a mask that possesses absorption properties will help remove these toxins from your skin.

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2. Clears Out Pores

Another face mask benefit for the skin is that it cleans out the pores. It removes the dirt and grime lodged deep into these little pockets. 

This dirt and grime that clogs the pores can come from wearing makeup or the environment around you. 

One type of face mask used to clean out face pores is a clay mask. Clay masks absorb and remove dirt and grime that has built up in the pores.

3. Refreshes Skin

One benefit of wearing a face mask is how it refreshes your skin. Your skin feels happy and healthy after wearing a face mask. 

Almost like you went to a spa for a facial.

Your refreshed skin will have a glowing complexion because of the hydration and purification that a mask gives.

Woman enjoying a clay mask being applied. With a tan back ground.

4. Super Hydrating to the Skin

Along with refreshing the skin, face masks rehydrate it as well. When wearing a mask that hydrates your skin, you will leave it on for about 10-20 minutes. Your skin will soak in all the benefits and hydration from a face mask.

Hydrating masks will contain ingredients that leave the skin feeling fresh and not oily. Some of these ingredients are glycerin and hyaluronic acid. 

5. Brightens the Skin

Another face mask benefit for skin is that it brightens it. A mask removes toxins or adds hydration to the skin, and it leaves the skin with a glowing complexion. 

When your skin is healthy and hydrated, it will have a glow to it. Do not worry because it is not an oily glow.

6. Improves Skin Texture

When a mask removes toxins and unclogs pores, it leaves your skin smooth. A hydrating mask leaves your skin plump and decreases fine lines and wrinkles. 

Wearing a mask helps reduce bumps and wrinkles on the face leaving it with a smooth and soft texture. 

7. Shrinks Large Pores

Another way a face mask benefits your skin is by shrinking large pores. When you use a mask to clean out your pores, they will shrink because they do not have the junk in them. 

If you think about it this way, when your pores are covered with makeup and come in contact with free radicals throughout the day, they start to gather gunk in them. Using a face mask to remove the junk and grim in the pores will make them, in turn, shrink. This is because the pores have less in them.

8. Absorbs Excess Oil

Using a face mask can help absorb the excess oil on your skin. Clay masks are best for absorbing excess oils. This is because of the properties that the clay contains. 

People with oily skin enjoy having the excess oil absorbed. This leaves their skin feeling clean and fresh.

A woman with a towel wrapped in her hair holding cucumbers. She is wearing a facial mask.

9. Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Using a hydrating face mask will give the skin extra moisture and plump up the skin. The hydration that a facial mask adds to the skin reduces fine lines and wrinkles. 

Applying a mask that contains collagen will help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

10. Relaxing Without the Cost of a Spa

The last face mask benefit is it is relaxing with out the cost of going to a spa. Using a mask benefits your skin and gives you a relaxing experience without the price tag of going to a spa for a facial. 

Yes, facials have loads of benefits to offer our skin, but getting a facial done once a month can add up. Face masks can be more cost-efficient and still offer many benefits to your skin while giving you a relaxing experience.

Choosing the Right Face Mask for Your Skin

Many different skincare companies formulate a diverse range of facial masks.

Jelly Face Mask

Jelly face masks are designed to be gelled and applied to the face with a brush. 

What are jelly face masks created to do? Some jelly masks hydrate the skin, while others remove toxins from the skin.

Clay Face Mask

A very popular type of face mask is created using clay. Most clay masks remove toxins from the skin, clean our pores, and reduce oil production. 

When looking for a clay facial mask, it is important to keep in mind what type of clay is in the mask. Some clays are created for sensitive skin, while others are for oily skin.

Clay Face Mask

Tea Tree Deep Detox Mask

Created for oily skin types to detox and purify the face. It contains French Green Clay which balances excess oil and purges the pores of dirt and grim.

Click Here to check it out!

Peel Face Mask

Peel-off masks come in a thick liquid form that you spread on your face. Once the time is up and you need to take it off, you will be able to peel it off your face.

The main purpose of a peel-off mask is to remove blackheads. The ones containing charcoal are designed especially for this purpose. 

Sheet Face Mask

Sheet face masks have a variety of different uses. All facial sheet masks are designed to lay directly on your face. 

The sheet that you lay on your face contains ingredients that are ready to help your skin.

Sheet Face Mask

Does It All Sheet Mask

This mask does all the things! It is designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, brighten the skin, calm inflammation, restore damaged cells, promote collagen production, and SO MUCH MORE!

Click Here to check it out!

Should You Wash Your Face After Wearing a Face Mask?

In your skincare routine, you should wash your face before applying a face mask. Depending on the face mask, you may need to wash it off when finished. After using a face mask, apply toner, serum, and, finally, moisturizer.

If you apply a sheet mask, you can take the sheet off and gently massage the leftover ingredients into your skin. 

On the other hand, if you are using a jelly or clay mask, you will need to rinse off your face with water to remove the mask.

How Often Can We Use a Face Mask?

Most face masks should be used once a week in a skincare routine. Some face masks can be applied more than once a week, but you need to be attentive to your skin and stop using them if your skin becomes irritated.


Face masks have many benefits for our skin from hydrating to removing toxins from the skin. The benefits mentioned above are only a few of the top benefits face masks give your skin. 

The ingredients used in the face mask affect how it will benefit your skin.

Using a face mask in your weekly skincare routine can help keep your skin happy and healthy.

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  1. Great summary on face masks and the skin benefits! Have always been unclear on whether to wash my face before or after applying one. Thanks!

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