Knowing What to Use Avocados for

Avocados seem to be all the rage in the last few years. Even though we hear about them all over health food pages we still wonder about what to use avocados for. Are there other ways to eat them or can we use them for other purposes? 

Avocados are used in a variety of ways from nutrition to beauty. Understanding what to use avocados for will help an individual enjoy the green goodness to its fullest.

What to Use Avocados for in Beauty

When you see an avocado at the store, normally it is associated with food and nutrition. What if it could be used as a cosmetic as well?

Using Avocados in Skincare

The fats and vitamins E and C that avocado contains are important for healthy skin. They even have compounds that may protect skin from sun damage and soothe skin conditions like acne and eczema. The fats and vitamins in avocados help with skin repair.

Avocado oil is another form of this super fruit that we can use in skincare. Maya Ivanjesku, chief scientific officer at LaFlore Probiotic Skincare mentions on Healthline that this oil contains antioxidants, plant sterols, omega-9, minerals, and vitamins C and E. It can help boost the production of collagen, decrease inflammation, and remove old skin cells. 

two and a half avocados. The half avocado facing with the brown pit.

How do you apply avocados to your skin? You can make a mask out of them and apply it directly to your face or skin. Avocados applied to the skin deeply penetrate the skin bringing nutrients that softens and hydrates the skin. Different mask recipes are tried and true to help get the maximum benefits out of avocados. ‘How to Create Your Own Natural Skincare Routine‘ mentions doing a mask once a week.

Using Avocados in Hair Care

You can apply avocados to all hair types, but they are best for dry or dehydrated hair. This super green fruit contains natural oils and fatty acids. These oils and fats help to lubricate hair and make it appear shiny and healthy. Avocados can also help with strengthening, nourishing, and boosting hair growth.

How do you apply avocados to your hair? You can mash them up and apply them directly to your hair. This avocado application works as a nourishing mask. It helps your hair to have extra shine. If you have a dry scalp, you can apply it directly to the scalp to assist with dryness and flakes. Healthline has a variety of hair mask recipes for a person to use in their post ‘7 Avocado Hair Masks That Nourish and Hydrate’.

What to Use Avocados for in Nutrition 

It is no secret that avocados are a great source of healthy fats. What other nutrients do avocados contain? These super fruits contain minerals and vitamins such as potassium, folate, magnesium, Vitamins B2, B3, B 5, B6, E, C, and K.

Health Reasons

Avocados are used for different health benefits. Toby Amidor, M.S., R.D., C.D.N. mentions ‘5 Surprising Health Benefits of Avocados’. These benefits are heart health, healthy eyes, growth and development, blood pressure, and weight loss.

Another health benefit is avocado helps your heart and muscles to function properly due to the high levels of potassium they contain. Avocados from Mexico mention that avocados contain the most protein compared to other fruits. They also state that it is rich in folic acid, which helps absorb protein help muscle growth.

Due to having a combination of fats and fiber, avocados help you feel full longer. This helps with preventing snacking throughout the day, which leads to weight loss.

Delicious Dishes

large bowl of veggies including tomatoes, avocados, carrots, red cabbage, yellow peppers, and white dressing.

Avocados are used in a variety of different dishes and quick snacks. Some of these dishes included salads, sushi, desserts, avocado toast, guacamole, and many other wonderful meals.

One popular snack or meal that you may hear of is avocado and toast. You can add an egg or two on top of it. With the egg, avocado, and toast, this dish will embrace the three macros that are carbs, fats, and proteins. Delicious and satisfying!

Another quick snack to add a little pizazz to life is mashing up an avocado and adding sriracha to it. This snack may surprise you. The sriracha adds a little spice making the avocado dance in your mouth.


Avocados are super fruits that are used not only for eating but also for skin and hair health. Now that you know all the different ways to use avocados, you can feel guilt-free buying multiple bags of them because you can use avocados for nutrition and beauty.

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