What to Use Instead of a Pimple Patch

Face pimples can ruin a perfectly good day, especially if you do not have clean and natural pimple patches in the house. Knowing what to use instead of a pimple patch can save the day and destroy that pesky pimple.

You could even consider these ingredients you will use instead of a pimple patch as a DIY pimple patch.

Most of the ingredients you can use instead of a pimple patch are possibly already in your home. The ingredients are:

  • Honey
  • Witch Hazel
  • Aloe Vera
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Green Tea 
Clean skincare ingredients

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Use Honey Instead of a Pimple Patch

Raw honey contains many antibacterial properties that help your skin. These properties can reduce the inflammation of the pimple and encourage the healing process overnight.

What is the science behind honey helping our pimples disappear? Jen Anderson states, “Honey’s main antibacterial effects may have to do with its high content of glucuronic acid, which gets converted to glucose oxidase. On the skin, this oxidase is immediately converted to hydrogen peroxide.” Hydrogen peroxide can act like other acne treatments. 

DIY Pimple Patch: Honey

Apply one to two drops of honey on that pesky pimple and let it sit overnight. Wash it off in the morning.

Honey, lemon, and aloe on a wood board.

Use Witch Hazel Instead of a Pimple Patch

Witch Hazel acts as a drying agent. This ingredient removes excess oil and decreases redness and inflammation. People with dry or sensitive skin should tread with caution and watch for irritation due to it causing dryness.

Store-bought pimple patches will use witch hazel as an ingredient to prevent scarring and brighten dark spots.

When looking for witch hazel, make sure that it does not contain any alcohol ingredients such as ethanol. This will overly dry out your skin, making it do more harm than good.

DIY Pimple Patch: Witch Hazel

Gently apply witch hazel to the pimple. You may leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Use Aloe Vera Instead of a Pimple Patch

Leaving aloe on a pimple overnight will reduce redness and irritation. Aloe contains anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce swelling. Due to being a moisturizing agent, aloe is a better option for people with sensitive or dry skin.

There is research still being done on how aloe affects pimples. When using it, some recommend mixing it with another agent to help the zit disappear. Angela Palmer reminds her readers that acne is not caused only by inflammation. “It can be caused by other factors as well such as dead skin cells, over-active oil glands, hormones, and even genetics.” Aloe does not help when these factors come into play.

DIY Pimple Patch: Aloe

Apply aloe to the area of the skin with the pimple. You may use honey with aloe to help rid your skin of that pesky pimple

Use Tea Tree Oil Instead of a Pimple Patch

Tea Tree oil is used on the skin to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Note that Tea tree oil is very potent and should be diluted before applying it to the skin.

One study found that people who used tea tree oil as an ointment for acne compared to other acne-fighting agents experienced less dry skin and irritation.

DIY Pimple Patch: Tea Tree Oil

Mix one drop of tea tree oil with nine drops of water. Using a cotton ball or swab you can apply it to the pimple. You can apply this at night and in the morning (1-2 times per day).

Spa Composition with Tea Tree Oil on White Background

Use Green Tea Instead of a Pimple Patch

Containing anti-inflammatory properties, green tea reduces skin irritation, redness, and swelling. It is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is a polyphenol and can help improve acne and oily skin.

Cory Whelan mentions that “EGCG lowers lipid levels and is anti-androgenic, making it effective at reducing sebum (oil) excretions in the skin.” 

DIY Pimple Patch: Green Tea

Boil one-half cup of water. Remove from the heating elements and add one green tea teabag. Let it steep for a few minutes. Carefully squeeze out the teabag and recycle. When the tea has cooled, apply it to the pimple with a cotton ball.

Conclusion on What to Use Instead of a Pimple Patch

Leaving honey, witch hazel, aloe, tea tree oil, or green tea on the pimple overnight will help the pimple to become less noticeable and heal faster.

Some people may want to apply a covering over these DIY Pimple Patches. You can use blister tape or a bandage to help you keep from touching or picking at the pimple.

Go, zap some zits!

DIY Pimple Patch Ingredient Round-Up

Clean and natural ingredients for DIY Pimple Patches.

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