How to Make Clean Skincare Products at Home

Your skin deserves the best care. Sometimes to give your skin the best care, you need to make natural skincare products at home. There are so many benefits to making your own skincare products, and once you take that first step and just do it, you will not regret it.

Remember, you can do anything if you set your mind to it. So let’s get started on learning about how you can make natural skincare products at home.

Why should you make clean skincare products?

1. You are in control of the ingredients

You get to decide what will go into your clean skincare product. If there is an ingredient that does not agree with your skin, you do not need to add it. You are 100% in control.

2. It is a thrifty way to have natural skincare products

Buying clean skincare ingredients from an online store can save you money. You can create more for less.


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3. Release your creative energy

You can follow DIY recipes or use them as a guide when creating a clean skincare product. If one recipe calls for sweet almond oil, you can choose to substitute jojoba oil instead. 

When choosing scents for your clean skincare product, you can mix and match essential oils. You can decide if you like honeysuckle and vanilla together or rose and lilac.

4. Create products that suit your skin

It is like making your own skincare line specifically for your skin. If you are allergic to any ingredient, you do not have to add it. If you want all of your products to be vegan or natural, you can do that too.

5. Small batch

A small-batch will ensure a higher quality of the product. The ingredients are typically fresher in small batches. Also, the creator is more in touch with their products.

Making natural skincare product at home.

Where to begin in making clean skincare products?

Take a deep breath because you got this! Once you learn the basics, it is not that hard to make clean skincare products at home.

When looking for a recipe for making clean skincare products, you can find recipes that consist of mixing two ingredients, and wah-lah, you have your own face gel moisturizer. For example, it could be mixing one part honey and three parts aloe together. 

Other easy, clean skincare recipe examples are DIY Pimple Patches.

Example of a more advanced recipe for beginners

If you are looking to create a product that is similar to a store-bought skincare product, it starts to be a little more complicated. 

For example, when making a moisturizer or lotion, there are three phases that you will be going through. First, the water phase, next to the oil phase, and finally, the cool-down phase. 

You will be measuring each ingredient out to 100%. Once you have your formulation to 100%, you will calculate it into a weighted formula. 

Let’s focus on just the percentages in the creation of this clean skincare face moisturizer.

Water Phase

In the water phase, you could do 52% distilled water, 20% cucumber hydrosol, and 4% glycerin. In your recipe, you want your highest percentage to be in the water.

Weigh out your water phase in a heat-safe glass container. After weighing out your products, you will want to reset your scale to 0 and re-weigh it. Write down that number. You will be re-weighing your water phase after you and done heating it due to water evaporation. 

Oil Phase

Next is the oil phase of your clean face moisturizer recipe. You can do any emulsifying wax, but we will be using 7% emulsifying wax nf for this recipe. We will also be adding 3% cetyl alcohol and 10% jojoba oil. 

Weigh out your oil phase in a heat-safe glass container.

Heating and Mixing

Create a double boiler. Place your water and oil phase containers in the double boiler. It is best to cover these containers with tin foil. The tinfoil is so that no foreign objects fall into your mixtures, and it helps with water evaporation. You will have your two phases in the double boiler for 20 minutes.

After heating your water and oil phase, re-weigh your water phase. You will add in heated distilled water to replace the amount that evaporated.

Now, pour the water phase into the oil phase and use an immersion blender to mix it all together.

Let it cool to room temperature.

Cool-Down Phase

Finally, you have the cool-down phase. This is when you add your preservatives and any essential oils that you would like to use. For a preservative, it will be a small percentage of 4% of leucidal sf complete.

Mix it all together with a spoon. 

Congratulations! You are done and have a clean face moisturizer. 

What basic ingredients do you need?

When looking at what ingredients you need to create clean skincare products, it can vary based on what product you make. Sometimes when making products just for you, the ingredients are already in your home, or you can find them at your local supermarket.

Reasons to be careful when making natural skincare products

1. No preservatives

Preservatives are necessary if you want the product to last longer. You can find clean preservatives, but when creating products only for yourself, you will hopefully use up the product before it goes bad. 

Keep an eye on your products to make sure that they continue to be bacteria and mold-free.

If you do want to work with adding preserves, there are natural preserves for water based and oil based products.

2. Some scrubs could lead to microscopic cuts

Be gentle when using homemade exfoliants and scrubs. If you use granular sugar or other rough ingredients used for exfoliation, it is recommended to be careful. These ingredients have sharp sides and could leave your skin with microscopic cuts.

You need to be careful with your skin’s microbiome, and sometimes using harsh exfoliant could damage it.

3. Know your food allergies

If you are allergic to nuts, your best bet is that your skin will not like that ingredient either.

When you use a new recipe for DIY clean skincare, watch to see how your skin reacts to it. If you have a negative reaction, look to see what ingredients you are allergic to. If you can not figure out what ingredients you are allergic to, you can visit an allergy specialist.

4. Be careful what water you use

Unfiltered water can sometimes contain harmful bacteria. If your recipe calls for water, use distilled water.

I repeat, only use distilled water. Not purified water or tap water.

If you are looking for a substitute for water in a DIY skincare recipe, you can use rose water or lavender water. These waters will also add some wonderful benefits to your products as well.


Creating skincare products will help you make sure that the skincare products you are using are natural and not toxic for your skin.

Taking the first step and creating homemade clean skincare products is typically the hardest. Once you are fully submerged into the world of DIY clean skincare, you will develop an appreciation for your skin and what clean skincare ingredients can do for you.

Now, you have the basics in your back pocket. Go my friend, and create your DIY clean skincare masterpiece!

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  1. Love that you can make your own products at home. There are so many chemicals in all products, even when it says organic and natural all over, as anything that is inside a plastic jar automatically has preservatives in it. And the last time I checked with the FDA if you have less than .1% you do not have to declare it or write it on the label. Can you imagine 10 of those products?
    Great write up

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